

At KO-SI, we have been striving for decades for continuous development and progress in the field of nonwovens. We are constantly introducing new technologies and programs into our programs and we remain one of the leading companies in the field of natural fiber processing. 

We employ over 100 professionals in our ranks to help us achieve our vision and goals. We strive for a good organizational climate in the company and take care of both professional and personal growth of our employees. We are aware that job satisfaction is the key to achieving business and work success, so we are constantly investing in the development of our staff.

Zaposlitev v KO-SI


Currently, there are no open jobs
Currently, there are no open jobs

Currently, there are no jobs available. To send a self-initiated application, write to us at:

We will review your application and save it carefully. If we need reinforcements, we will contact you.


KO-SI team

Currently, there are no jobs available.

If you want to become a part of our team, you can send us an application at:

We will review your application and save it carefully. If we need reinforcements, we will contact you.

Thanks, KO-SI team

Want to become a member of our team?

Send us an application.

No available jobs? Send us an application anyway!
Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you would like to work at KO-SI and what you can contribute to the company. Send your message together with your CV or resume, references, and attachments to:

We look forward to getting to know you!